Simple biology SCORE 97
Take Care Of Your Vampire Problems SCORE 89
Security or therapy SCORE 101
The more you know SCORE 71
walking vs scootering SCORE 62
Who doesn’t like surprises SCORE 41
Beer holding competition SCORE 85
My Only Fortune That Has Ever Come True SCORE 101
I would eat all of this. SCORE 40
Those Years Of Pot (smashing) Have Finally Caught SCORE 71
Old German Powerplant Made Into A Climbing Wall SCORE 74
Cat gives his friend a relaxing message SCORE 66
United Airlines was over-booked SCORE 68
As A Driver, I Agree With This Argument SCORE 87
Wrong number SCORE 92
How to take care of your iron. SCORE 44
"I’ll just sleep right here so nobody steals my food" SCORE 81
Took me a second… SCORE 67
My friend had this "service animal" on her flight today SCORE 59
Heisenberg’s at it again SCORE 54
Morning Glory Pool in Yellowstone NP used to be blue, but coins thrown into the pool have dyed the water green/yellow. SCORE 56
The moment that both my phone and laptop are dead SCORE 53
wrapped in blanket! SCORE 92
Hittin the grind so hard it kills SCORE 95
This is the future. Robots looking after our health. SCORE 57
Directed by M Night Shyamalan SCORE 126
Keeping it together SCORE 78
The Memes, Mike. SCORE 99
But why are you so loud for? SCORE 27
You look like that guy from the hangover… SCORE 133
Solid game. SCORE 85
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for six years… SCORE 45