Summary Of My School Career SCORE 119

Ohhh Meg. The edginess suits you. SCORE 58

OK, Maybe having an all K9 Bomb Squad wasn’t the best idea… SCORE 78

40 shades of green SCORE 121

My wife trying to text me while I’m in a meeting SCORE 120

Boom Headshot! SCORE 157

The best yearbook quote I’ve seen in a while from this young graduate SCORE 132

An Average Funeral Costs… SCORE 92

Baby steps SCORE 135

The shadows of these windows make an optical illusion SCORE 92

Pyramid bedroom in the woods SCORE 94

Why I Love Cats SCORE 52

Oops, I nearly forgot SCORE 84

We always have a backup incase Democracy fails SCORE 199

This Irritated Screech Owl SCORE 70

2016 Summed up in one picture SCORE 102

Workout Partner SCORE 99

Every Time I See This… SCORE 93

‘Thufferin’ thuccotash!’ SCORE 126

What OS? SCORE 125

Empty Nest Syndrome SCORE 143

I’m not even mad SCORE 157

Such Cool. Very Relax. Much Sand… SCORE 90

Cat Attended Football Team Training SCORE 129

Ruff day SCORE 107

ALL you need to know about the Brangelina divorce. SCORE 176

Rules of the car SCORE 116

This coffee shop shows the differences between coffee drink types. SCORE 92

Go On Laurie, Roll In The Poopie SCORE 63

Baby Pangolins… SCORE 124

The evolution of U.S spacecraft over the last 50 years SCORE 79

Tree Root Bridge, India SCORE 106