His friend was inside the dragon. SCORE 142

Groot vs. Hodor. SCORE 42

Acting… SCORE 109

How to wake up your cat. SCORE 10

#dreadingit SCORE 5

I wouldn’t be surprised SCORE 7

Orange is the new Black SCORE 103

Psychedelic pussy. SCORE 7

International kiss day. SCORE 8

my math book thinks it’s funny SCORE 106

Making sculptures out of a banana. SCORE 142

Well then, I suppose I’ll try another door SCORE 3

Horses, now and then. SCORE 136

Cha-cha-chia keyboard. SCORE 106

How to be king of the douchebags in one easy step SCORE 12

Magic. SCORE 8

Pizza rolls are forever. SCORE 11

Accurate. SCORE 80

Acting… SCORE 108

Google knowledge vs. your mom’s knowledge. SCORE 97

I’ll just disappear now… SCORE 110

When boyfriends do their girlfriends makeup. SCORE 97

Cruising on top of the clouds SCORE 11

Two Orange Cats Relaxing SCORE 95

Grad Student Poo Project Sing-along SCORE 0

Sick of Ice? Try the Lava Bucket Challenge! SCORE 3

I’m scared of the cars from Cars, too! SCORE 207

Doge’s cameo in The Game of Thrones. SCORE 56

What I look forward to on the weekends. SCORE 9

Giraffe with Dwarfism. SCORE 95

The best dance ever SCORE 115

Ocean Kitchen SCORE 84