7 new buttons Facebook should introduce. SCORE 149
Should you eat that bacon. SCORE 9
Advice on the Internet… SCORE 15
Growing up dalek. SCORE 184
In an alternate universe… SCORE 200
Bad lip reading. SCORE 12
paint me like one of your french poodles SCORE 8
Kingdom Hearts 3 the internet version SCORE 5
So…could you use it? SCORE 5
Gaming is good for you. SCORE 98
Year of the Cage. SCORE 128
Today in class. SCORE 375
When I prove a teacher wrong. SCORE 18
Pizza forever. SCORE 64
Monsters are Real SCORE 2
Okay, just take me to Nerdfighteria right now. SCORE 294
Malk SCORE 5
Where is my pen? SCORE 528
gay marriage photobooth SCORE -5
Riddle me this. SCORE 435
What your tramp stamp will eventually look like. SCORE 117
Soon. SCORE 205
Real Life HIMYM Couples SCORE 23
How I fold a T-shirt. SCORE 184
Life of Grumpy. SCORE 5
Doctor Who logic. SCORE 15
Do Not Disturb SCORE 29
20 years later… SCORE 7
#Best tag SCORE 33
Fizzle Fizzle Fizzle Fizzle Fizzle, Yeah! SCORE 3
Typical childhood reaction to breaking anything. SCORE 35