Whitest moment in history? Windows 95 launch party SCORE 172

This Much Power SCORE 13

Homer logic SCORE 13

Spring break protectors SCORE 99

forever alone SCORE 77

It’s The Best Feeling In The World SCORE 5

My local newspaper got savage SCORE 145

….boop SCORE 17

Mistery Solved SCORE 8

Oh Bern SCORE 163

The ink ran out SCORE 136

This Is A Cat SCORE 108

Adorable pup with a heart-shaped nose SCORE 13

Amazing Parents SCORE 169

How to ferret bedding SCORE 11

When The Candles Are Not The Right Ones SCORE 159

That Innocent Friend SCORE 136

Well… I didn't expect that SCORE 137

*cries of embarrassment* SCORE 172

I hope these two found eachother and hung out SCORE 186

David Tennant better wear this shirt SCORE 196

The Best Weapon To Bring To A War SCORE 160

A real woman SCORE 13

Maybe It’s Time For A Change SCORE 147

Oh Look, The White House Responded SCORE 167

Things Change At Night SCORE 13

Table made of resin and travertine marble. SCORE 15

Very traditional view of marriage. SCORE 166

Ray Tomlinson (1941-2016), he is totally under-appreciated SCORE 194

Paperweight that holds your book open SCORE 160

That Was A Major Screw Up SCORE 15

Balloon Child SCORE 155