Well, here goes the feels train SCORE 14

Wishing Jimmy Carter a speedy recovery | Jimmy on big money in politics SCORE 15

The Brilliant Minimum Wage Machine SCORE 8

YOLO Alternatives SCORE 10

Americans And Their Distances SCORE 220

If I Had A Dollar For Every Time… SCORE 184

Why The Weasley Twins Are The Dumbest Characters In Harry Potter SCORE 172

Why Aren’t We Funding This Right Now? SCORE 164

This Hotel’s Policy Is Priceless SCORE 159

We need more piglets around here. SCORE 6

Theory of Everything SCORE 7

When you can't sleep at night SCORE 8

Real Simpsons House SCORE 8

Australia’s fire danger system rating SCORE 160

Thoughts from dog SCORE 11

Something That Boggles My Mind A Bit SCORE 105

It Happens Every Freaking Time SCORE 13

Now that’s an organized market SCORE 11

It's 7 cats SCORE 192

2 kinds of single people SCORE 16

Get It Right SCORE 8

Are Netflix a country? SCORE 151

Street Art SCORE 15

Twins SCORE 190

Cast of bug’s life SCORE 14

Shoutout! SCORE 216

Bottled Soda Vs. Bottled Water SCORE 15

Best protest sign ever SCORE 12

A bed fit for a kitten SCORE 14

She almost died SCORE 16

Cuteness Overloaded SCORE 9

Just smile and wave, boys SCORE 198