adorable SCORE 34

American horse pirates SCORE 29

please repeat the question SCORE 19

i am one with my solitude SCORE 16

italian pup SCORE 12

problem solved SCORE 9

what is life? SCORE 26

looks like 2 cloves two me SCORE 23

the good ole days SCORE 25

always demons SCORE 12

oops SCORE 13

the duck tales generation SCORE 24

you can try SCORE 9

pizza home is where the heart is SCORE 11

brain laundry SCORE 33

boys will be boys SCORE 23

squirrels can survive terminal velocity SCORE 28

so romantic SCORE 16

two for one tears SCORE 26

anxiety SCORE 24

are you a car? SCORE 11

you’re not basic math SCORE 3

it’s locked SCORE 21

fact SCORE 19

welcome to paris SCORE 16

this is who i am now SCORE 24

noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! SCORE 2

me too, train SCORE 23

it’s brain-ish SCORE 17

for glory! SCORE 11

in case you needed to cry today SCORE 44

you think you know someone SCORE 13