Hipster horse coming through.. SCORE 17

Pocket penguin. SCORE 185

150 carat 70 million dollar diamond ring SCORE 20


Walt and Jesse SCORE 98

Application to be my friend SCORE 189

gynandromorph Lobster, bi colored lobster. both male, and female SCORE 25

Polycoria of the eye SCORE 10

Jenny and Shirley SCORE 388

So good. SCORE 7

Babies tasting lemon for the first time. SCORE 120

Duck and Cover SCORE 11

You sure do cook a mean steak… SCORE 166

Going back to school SCORE 224

Maybe you’re the reflection. SCORE 291

A cat’s life. SCORE 13

Multi Porpoise SCORE 145

That’s right punk. SCORE 351

Nope, no racism here. SCORE 21

Barty Crouch Jr. vs. The Tenth Doctor SCORE 397

He doesn’t like Monday either. SCORE 190

Catholic School SCORE 100

The sentence game. SCORE 268


A portable bug vacuum. SCORE 236

The weakness of man. SCORE 193

Fishing… SCORE -18

Next time a blocked number calls you answer with these. SCORE 395

memememememememememe SCORE 12

Once you’ve ruled out the impossible… SCORE 406

My face when… SCORE 9

Naps are tricky SCORE 286