When bros make Star Wars puns. SCORE 268
It was a wild night. SCORE 260
An adventure?! SCORE 175
This is why I shoplift. SCORE 143
Katniss and Peeta. SCORE 11
Please be troll. SCORE 208
Fools and fanatics vs. the wise. SCORE 228
How corgis get down the stairs. SCORE 178
Evil Deer is Evil SCORE 3
Of course I’m in shape! SCORE 136
T-rex problems. SCORE 79
Huddle. SCORE 129
Whenever I try a new mascara. SCORE 195
Pretty much. SCORE 118
Now you know how a trumpet works. SCORE 191
Good guy Hagrid. SCORE 185
Wisdom from Abe. SCORE 303
I love listening to lies… SCORE 8
Parks and Rec cast as ice cream. SCORE 5
Poor overall. SCORE 244
Wall Crawling SCORE -2
Giant guinea pig attack SCORE 0
What a Fin Whale heart looks like. SCORE 109
Wow, you’re cool. SCORE 227
Putting eyeliner on. SCORE 263
me waking up in morning … SCORE 11
Top 4 wishes. SCORE 201
Oh, celebrities. SCORE 111
A firecracker exploding in slow motion. SCORE 149
The tiniest meal. SCORE 164
I don’t think it’s sewious… SCORE 215
Aescher Hotel in Appenzellerland, Switzerland. SCORE 216