Don’t let Obama turn you old. SCORE 137

One can wish. SCORE 200

You’re doing it right. SCORE 138

Why are you single? SCORE 126

LEGO Great Ball Contraption. SCORE 64

Chances of keeping your job if you’re wrong more than 75% of the time. SCORE 128

Tim Burton’s Avengers. SCORE 183

A wombat, a kangaroo and a wallaby. SCORE 131

Why the cinnamon challenge is a bad idea. SCORE 73

Need. SCORE 117

Celebrities, then and now. SCORE 105

Scumbag kitty. SCORE 102

Hahaha Rubber Human your the one! You make bath time lots of fun! SCORE 6

Keyboard rocking horse. SCORE 142

The bitter reality delivered by cats. SCORE 92

You make an excellent point. SCORE 236

…and then Satan said… SCORE 226

You’re doing it right. SCORE 253

Politicians vs. Hedgehogs. SCORE 39

Failure SCORE 0


true statement is true SCORE 4

For all the design nerds. SCORE 44

Plastic Bag Super Squad SCORE -10

All 50 States, freehand sketch. SCORE 61

We kill the Big Bird. SCORE 76

Regular people in the shower vs. Me in the shower. SCORE 182

Sound logic. SCORE 254

First world problems. SCORE 62

Taste the rainbow. SCORE 195

Unemployment vs. Employment. SCORE 82

We are going to die. SCORE 243