Google fail SCORE -4

A toddler and his dog. SCORE 204

Jared’s winter habitat. SCORE 4

Tip: -$2.84 SCORE 96

Reasons why kids cry. SCORE 231

Scumbag popcorn kernels. SCORE 170

On Shanghai Tower SCORE 13

Google fail SCORE 0

Official Canadian temperature chart. SCORE 166

why scar was my favourite character in the lion king SCORE 229

Google fail SCORE 8

That’s Weird SCORE 235

Their adoring fans. SCORE 22

Google fail SCORE 1

The customer is always right. SCORE 19

The ching chong language SCORE 225

Google fail SCORE -3

Why choose? SCORE 213

Tiny paintings. SCORE 195

Fess up! SCORE 12

Just a reminder. SCORE 1

This just sounds wrong… SCORE 12

Victoria’s Secret. SCORE 235

Andrew Jackson. SCORE 225

Mine. SCORE 10

The original fairy tales. SCORE 15

How BBC advertises a series… SCORE 354

stay in school SCORE -4

Mandatory award ceremony uniforms! SCORE 276

*nervous laughter* *walks backwards* *trips* *runs* SCORE 213

That escalated quickly… SCORE 178

Ba-zing! SCORE -2