Earbuds SCORE 51
Like That Feeling You Get When You’re Driving SCORE 90
The "Pomsky." The result of breeding a husky and a pomeranian. SCORE 116
How I like my salads SCORE 96
Valyrian steel is very flexible SCORE 67
This is important. SCORE 101
Batman’s Weakness SCORE 77
Some Of The Things I Never Learned In High School SCORE 32
Metaphorical Observation SCORE 119
Being An Adult Sucks SCORE 75
When someone greets you by name… SCORE 86
When you don’t have the heart to tell your barber you hate your haircut SCORE 68
A Really Big Coin SCORE 126
Gondor Yodels for Aid SCORE 102
American Memes SCORE 133
You seem interesting SCORE 54
Ooh Look, A Flock of Cows! SCORE 91
One Day Thomas Edison Came Home SCORE 116
This Great Man Deserves To Be Remembered SCORE 115
Sleepy Vs. Tired SCORE 69
The penny that’s been in my garbage disposal for weeks finally popped out today. SCORE 110
As an American I can confirm this is true. SCORE 52
This is free money waiting to be picked up SCORE 120
You have got to love Homer Simpson SCORE 110
Yep, I’m Always Here SCORE 68
Freedom From His Wheelchair SCORE 34
Brilliant Facebook Prank Tricks Dumb People Who Consider Themselves Smart SCORE 143
Happy Birthday, tree killer. SCORE 86
Elon Musk is a supervillain SCORE 92
Hot showers FTW. SCORE 100
Asgardian Iron Man Helmet SCORE 46
Valid Answer In My Opinion SCORE 106