Obama and his bro Biden in Indiana SCORE 160

The tea store SCORE 172

Someone is photoshopping Donald Trump’s face on the Queens body and it is hilarious. SCORE 26

Modern Britain in a nutshell SCORE 168

My Parents Are Going To Be Here Any Minute SCORE 100

What to do when you accidentally swipe right on Tinder SCORE 84

Working at a Restaurant SCORE 124

Poor Oliver SCORE 167

He was due for a promotion. SCORE 106

Hit the vape SCORE 66

This is how I die SCORE 97

One day I will win just have to keep playing.. SCORE 114

Wait, what? WTF Tammy… SCORE 91

And now i play the waiting game… SCORE 67

Weeeeeeeeeee SCORE 107

Trying to get my SO to take me seriously! SCORE 61

So tired of the ‘in my day’ argument SCORE 84

OMG! HUMAN! You’re h-oh-fuck-ow-fuck-ow-ow-oomph home! SCORE 98

The reason why you never seen Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber in the same room together SCORE 88

What even are cats SCORE 92

Everything I need in one aisle… SCORE 115


I Realized I’m The Crazy Cat Guy When… SCORE 134

Happy Birthday SCORE 91

Current Mood… SCORE 101

Alexei Ananenko, Boris Baranov And Valeri Bezpalov SCORE 214

What are taxes and how do I pay them? SCORE 58

The littlest nope ever SCORE 72

Perspective. SCORE 186

At The Cats Support Center SCORE 72

Voldemort was just a prank. SCORE 112

Girl on my Facebook delivers again. SCORE 186