I’m feeling lucky! SCORE 18

Spirit animal SCORE 130

hover orcas SCORE 11

government logic SCORE 11

A beautiful mountain in Iceland SCORE 11

That’s Adorable SCORE 13

From “don’t play” to “destroy the WORLD” SCORE 270

Sailor Aang SCORE 10

No question. Just yes. SCORE 196

Teeth so white they can’t dance. SCORE 129

How my wife waits for homemade cookies. SCORE 151

Thriller. SCORE 137

Shooting Stars SCORE 14

Food occupies my mind. SCORE 16

Every time I open a card from my grandma. SCORE 85

Trying to find pictures of purebred cats on google, was not dissapointed SCORE 17

This is my song! SCORE 90

quiet fives SCORE -3

Luna Lovegood. SCORE 13

Visiting friends who don’t have kids. SCORE 11

3D Printed Sugar Cubes SCORE 168


The World Cup SCORE 96

invisible basketballs SCORE 15

Hello, my name is Arya Stark SCORE 13

wanna go for a walk?? SCORE 203

Mission impossible SCORE 5

Motorbike Crossing a Swimming Pool SCORE 16

Because screw your gluten “allergy.” SCORE 5

Nope Nope Nope SCORE 17

My sister’s creepy two-legged cat. SCORE 13

Go ahead. Try to pet my belly. SCORE 9