i don’t wanna see you right now SCORE 19

always watching you SCORE 26

checking on the banana bread SCORE 18

are you getting enough sleep? SCORE 14

the perfect retirement SCORE 18

anxious but faster SCORE 26

cheese lovers SCORE 31

don’t play these dangerous games SCORE 26

lost dog SCORE 14

blink 182 SCORE 14

hello, ma’am SCORE 10

the moment you realize you’ve made a terrible mistake SCORE 32

the bowl holder – a million dollar idea? SCORE 5

matilda powers check SCORE 14

how to parent a princess SCORE 65

just ducking around on the bus SCORE 17

Are scissors okay? SCORE -18

how to impress your crush in 2003 SCORE 24

horses! SCORE 24

Angry laundry machine noises SCORE 19

an important lesson to learn SCORE 58

amelia earhart halloween costume SCORE 56

season one me had writing issues SCORE 41

black dress with hands on her hips SCORE 16

the healing power of lemon water SCORE 21

what isn’t therapy but feels like therapy SCORE -21

the anaconda got buns hun SCORE 39

ham likes his new bed SCORE 34

please just tell me what the book is about SCORE 35

facts about ducks SCORE 0

officer judy hops with zpd SCORE 32

good parenting 101 SCORE 44