I’ve always wondered this SCORE 87

Trust no one SCORE 106

That time of the year SCORE 120

True joy SCORE 101

Music moves me SCORE 113

Helpful LPT from Denny’s SCORE 73

Rough Italians SCORE 142

Snow removal train in Skagway, Alaska SCORE 98

The fried egg jellyfish is an actual thing SCORE 69

Paper beats rock SCORE 153

you know what you did SCORE 136

Maybe my understanding of good is inaccurate SCORE -16


This shirt says "New telegraph who dis?" in morse code SCORE 105

What I feel like saying to most girls on Tinder SCORE 55

He’s bananas SCORE 206

Why You Should Never Go Out During Any Storm… SCORE 109

I’m Really Bad At Portioning Uncooked Pasta SCORE 96

Perks of marriage SCORE 76

At a bar in Portland SCORE 115

Japanese Fallen Leaves Art SCORE 105

Last Night I Had A Salad For Dinner SCORE 75

The Dark Queen, statue of egyptian queen Cleopatra III discovered in the lost, sunken city of Thonis-Heracleion SCORE 112

Christmas is for kids SCORE 56

Professor Jiggly Is Loose In Cat Room SCORE 111

The internet is a beautiful place SCORE 74

I’m a good cleaner SCORE 88

They know the truth. SCORE 78

Scumbag CNN SCORE 55

Never sink SCORE 146

Every kid in the neighborhood wants to convert SCORE 95

A brilliant demonstration of leverage SCORE 96