How to Climb the Shanghai Tower SCORE 10
what a nice day… SCORE 183
A toddler and his dog. SCORE 204
Why choose? SCORE 213
Mandatory award ceremony uniforms! SCORE 276
The Himalayas from space. SCORE 187
Presidents Day is a sad reminder… SCORE 14
Justin Bieber SCORE 12
To be or not to be a gynecologist…. SCORE -16
Balthazar, Gabriel, Ezekiel, Castiel, Lucifer, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael. SCORE 323
Save Me! SCORE 220
That’s Weird SCORE 235
Oh, Tom… SCORE 207
Birch, please… SCORE 180
Put your hands together for: the one, the only, Misha Collins! SCORE 33
How You Could Get Me To Watch Golf SCORE 20
Bowl Cut Mastery SCORE 7
How BBC advertises a series… SCORE 354
Nailed it SCORE 172
Reasons why kids cry. SCORE 231
Tiny paintings. SCORE 195
Soon. SCORE 188
*nervous laughter* *walks backwards* *trips* *runs* SCORE 213
that escalated quickly SCORE 153
stay in school SCORE -4
Mine. SCORE 10
Take my money! SCORE 114
white people SCORE 245
Google fail SCORE -3
Olympic luger crashes, somehow recovers SCORE 19
Cats taking selfies. SCORE 18