Everytime I goto Chipotle… SCORE 74
Seems legit… SCORE 70
When dad was in the mob SCORE 209
How girls take pictures at the beach… SCORE 160
Guy Fieri’s Five Children SCORE 77
Learning languages SCORE 100
I know what this is, thanks. It’s handle deep in my jar right now. SCORE 68
My Grandfather was the One-Man-Band at Disneyland during the 60s and early 70s SCORE 150
Men know this is true SCORE 97
How to keep Santa a secret SCORE 164
Online Dating explained in Planet Earth SCORE 93
A short history of the US presidents. SCORE 124
Dogs Who Forgot They Are Dogs SCORE 85
They must have hired my grandfather in their marketing department SCORE 82
The King Of Pop SCORE 170
From love to dread in 7 seconds SCORE 79
On this day of love, let us never forget the greatest bromance ever televised. SCORE 144
Kids these days will never understand the struggle SCORE 98
How to win a fight and also get a free shirt SCORE 133
40 years ago, this would have been a scene from a sci-fi movie. Now it’s real. SCORE 134
A beach inside a cave SCORE 113
The Butterfly Nebula as seen from Hubble SCORE 104
We All Know That Tom Is A Gentlemen SCORE 228
Farmer Family With Buffalo, Thailand SCORE 102
Wrestling is real SCORE 146
The new guy seems weird… SCORE 110
Jack Whitehall on American and British TV shows SCORE 123
Trolled by tiny human SCORE 172
A lesson to be learned sooner than later. SCORE 79
That explains a lot SCORE 146
A divorcing couple splitting up their beanie babies in court. SCORE 66
Even Ron Swanson can miss a few now and then SCORE 136