A ballet dancer stretching her foot out SCORE 27

No Its Mine SCORE 91

Souls on souls SCORE 95

Canada wins SCORE 126

Mother and daughter strolling, NYC 1970 SCORE 145

The Supremes, looking fantastic in 1968 SCORE 115

Camo level: Russian SCORE 99

*Whistle while you work…* SCORE 84

Trying to finish your Lego set when the acid kicks in. SCORE 44

Slept Over At A Kid’s House Once When I Was In 3rd SCORE 65

High five me Jacob SCORE 106

Of all places to derp out, how do some people manage to do it behind the wheel? SCORE 64

My mom plays it pretty real. SCORE 165

Dizzy Earth SCORE 55

Wax Paper… SCORE 95

Why I love this show SCORE 130

Chicks of the Crested Coua have little bulls-eyes inside their mouths, telling their parents exactly where to place food. SCORE 61

lol lool loool SCORE 107

Final exam for Jehovah Witnesses students SCORE 110

Kitten SCORE 40

Tan lines from typical summer activities SCORE 83

Soon SCORE 20

I truly want to believe in this movie SCORE 127

First class vs coach SCORE 91

My favorite Leo moment SCORE 73

Latte Art SCORE -26

Floydian Slip SCORE 63

Tom Riddle and the Chamber of Secrets SCORE 69

Science SCORE 87

Seasons SCORE 111

This happened… SCORE 149

Mysterious danger noodle found in desert SCORE 104