Just gamer things. SCORE 195

Educate yourself. SCORE 151

The sheep lies. SCORE 106

What I immediatly thought when NASA found planketon in space! SCORE 15

Nicholas Cage as Disney princesses. SCORE 12

Salary vs. fun. SCORE 102

Everyone loses their minds. SCORE 121

test SCORE 4

Thriller. SCORE 130

UV Thor tattoo under a black light. SCORE 144

Close enough. SCORE 19

What’s the hardest way to become a mummy? SCORE 193

When my mom makes me get out of the pool. SCORE 121

test SCORE 1

Educate yourself. SCORE 150

When I Was Born SCORE 18

test SCORE 3

Just storing up for winter… SCORE 136

How to reach the world count on an essay. SCORE 157

Miley Cyrus crashes professor’s physics lesson SCORE 154

Jubilee trifle anyone? SCORE 164

yawn SCORE -3

test SCORE 1

Child Predator SCORE 130

A valid question. SCORE 130

Smooth. SCORE 275

The sloth life. SCORE 92

Lobsters. SCORE 182

What is Up? SCORE 16

please help me and my new channel!thank you D SCORE -16

test SCORE 3

Things I do on my day off. SCORE 2