I thought you’d never ask. SCORE 153

Accurate. SCORE 139

Every time I go to the dentist. SCORE 194

Clever bookends. SCORE 267

A bunny’s life. SCORE 170

A girl and her cat. SCORE 253

How I feel about the Harlem Shake. SCORE 149

Ariel logic. SCORE 154

See a cute girl driving next to you and want to get her number? SCORE 114

Wednesday meets Grumpy Cat. SCORE 165

You know the society is screwed up… SCORE 12

Bacon chocolate chip cookies with maple glaze. SCORE 16

The piñata cake. SCORE 190

How I cross things out. SCORE 268

Super Sirius. SCORE 159

Corgi Nascar. SCORE 136

Crotches kill. SCORE 103

I know a shade of lipstick that would look amazing on you… SCORE 172

His Spidey Sense is Tingling! SCORE 1

Just do it? SCORE 133

Best buds. SCORE 239

Spidey’s Black Suit SCORE -7

I went for a run… SCORE 134

What best friends are made of. SCORE 176

The truth about electric cars. SCORE 209

What’s your favorite song? SCORE 197

Me too. SCORE 253

Daisy – The World’s Cutest Kitten SCORE 203

My face when I check out FB profiles of girls my boyfriend talks to. SCORE 84

Very Cloon indeed SCORE 116

A man tried to sell me a coffin today… SCORE 167

Want to know what’s not fine? SCORE 165