Me Every Time I Meet Someone SCORE 8

I don’t want to hear about your whole day and 4 minutes of unrelated details just to tell me one small thing I could read in 2 seconds SCORE 13

This Joke Is So Terrible, It Is Actually Funny SCORE 149

I support my local gender neutral bathroom. SCORE -2

Don’t do it SCORE 112

Leave it to the machines SCORE 95

It finally happened. SCORE 123

A selfie with Trump SCORE 121

When to post SCORE 8

Women and children SCORE -4

I wonder where the rich people live…. SCORE 9

Good advice… SCORE 111

Two Kinds Of Countries SCORE -10

This hurts my brain SCORE 89

A line from a heartbroken illusion worker SCORE -28

They deserve it. SCORE 86

He’s Starting To Suspect Something’s Not Right SCORE 139

Lie Down. Try Not To Cry. Cry A Lot. SCORE 106

Melons with purpose SCORE 101

Hmm, She Has a Point SCORE 9

He Loves Them SCORE 158

My brother just sent me this photo, with the words "dreaming of fish" SCORE 146

Never Has Anything Been So True SCORE 12

Never Drink Alone Again! SCORE 8

Lesbian couple kissing in front of an anti-gay parade in France. SCORE 11

No one cares. SCORE 33

Baymax, The Best Dinner Companion SCORE 12

Low blow SCORE 10

This Artist Can Create Cool Cartoon Versions of People SCORE 170

did you actually count them SCORE 136

Entry Level Job Explained SCORE 15

Like a glove. SCORE 126