That moment, when you hope desperately the guy ahead of you won’t take the last pigeon. SCORE 60

Aerial photograph of an Alice in Wonderland themed corn maze SCORE 88

Someone’s about to get fired.. SCORE 61

I Teach Science SCORE 69

Jaws 5 in the making’ SCORE 70

He returned to him his trash that he threw in the road after he found his address SCORE 103

Jesus Christ, would you look at the time? SCORE 41

It takes too much effort to create a new online account for a vendor I may never use again. SCORE 39

Today I learned how they paint the handicap spot SCORE 106

A flamingo doing the flamingo leg! SCORE 75

Me gustar… SCORE 23

bugging the hell out of the game SCORE 112

Trying to fry an egg in Antarctica SCORE 65

Real ones know the drill SCORE 57

He can keep it. SCORE 90

Most upbeat police department Google review ever SCORE 99

Advanced dumpling stuffing. SCORE 85

Finally someone understands! SCORE 60

dog resolutions SCORE 50

This is my favorite mug. I got it at a thrift store and have no idea who these people are SCORE 73


2018 s SCORE 61

When you’ve had a rough day SCORE 103

Russian space shuttles left abandoned for 30 years SCORE 60

When you set a possum trap and your cat is an idiot. SCORE 68

Snap into a Slim Jim SCORE 52

A very smol dragon SCORE 73

Truth hurts SCORE 41

Dazzle camouflage for ships. SCORE 38

We got this 2020 SCORE 29

This would be a huge timesaver SCORE 48

I swear SCORE 51