English SCORE 103

can you not wear that in here? SCORE 100

Someone’s job in Toronto is to shovel shark shapes in the snow on the roof of the aquarium SCORE 161

Squeaky-toy sound for me SCORE 88

Cat family SCORE 98

Man Attacked By Polar Bear SCORE 106

How My Dad Differentiates Netflix Users SCORE 95

Glass Bottom Bedroom SCORE 101

My kind of bathroom remodel. SCORE 79

He color coordinates his shirt and drink everyday SCORE 139

Colbert SCORE 125

Rainbow paws SCORE 132

I’m pregnant, not drunk scumbag. SCORE 53

Who Is This Sign For? SCORE 112

Book people know. SCORE 138

Kite Boarders of California Coast SCORE 74

I work in an ent/eye clinic. One of my coworkers had this at his desk. SCORE 126

Bison aren’t to be messed with. SCORE 92

I think my Doctor hates me SCORE 112

Why is this ok? SCORE 137

Bad Parental Motivational Speeches SCORE 136

The biggest problem SCORE 183

Dont they see fat and sick people all day? SCORE -73

6 books in 1 binding opens 6 different ways (1550) SCORE 131

From now on, this is my favorite Disney princess SCORE 44


I took away my dog’s bone and she came back to me with this SCORE 92

This year, we bought a 20ft Christmas tree and cut it in half, so that it looks like it goes through the roof. SCORE 177

Where did you come from? SCORE 100

Rudolph’s secret SCORE 41

when you need to give your brain a talking to SCORE 147

A northern cardinal at the feeder, looking totally badass. SCORE 100