You don’t know what you are doing SCORE 118

Wrong number SCORE 92

The more you know SCORE 71

Just brilliant SCORE 90

In case you need cheering up SCORE 112

I’m not ready to be a father! SCORE 90

Morning Glory Pool in Yellowstone NP used to be blue, but coins thrown into the pool have dyed the water green/yellow. SCORE 56

The sweetest smile ever… SCORE 118

Scottish women… SCORE 51

I’ve never felt more guilty uninstalling a program SCORE 97

Take Care Of Your Vampire Problems SCORE 89

As A Driver, I Agree With This Argument SCORE 87

Directed by M Night Shyamalan SCORE 126

Who doesn’t like surprises SCORE 41

Today I met Kevin Mitnick and he gave me the coolest business card ever! SCORE 63

Old German Powerplant Made Into A Climbing Wall SCORE 74

Hip Hop Benny Hill SCORE 38

walking vs scootering SCORE 62

Solid game. SCORE 85

Security or therapy SCORE 102

At least he admitted it SCORE 136

I am normally this flakey SCORE 74

The Memes, Mike. SCORE 99

Politics SCORE 53

How to get a flag SCORE 95

Gangster cat walking away after causing havoc. SCORE 77

wrapped in blanket! SCORE 92

This Might Be The Best Thing I’ve Ever Read SCORE 98

I got friends. SCORE 49

Poor Little Guy SCORE 61

Jumping into this pile of leaves SCORE 98

Keeping it together SCORE 78