excuse me, i wanna go back.. SCORE 15

Hello Kitty Notebook SCORE 14

Essay Help Service SCORE -27

Cheers to Germany! SCORE 178

hello, wait.. I drive. SCORE 15

Waves of Cut Glass SCORE 135

Know your bites! SCORE 87

They look really depressed about it… SCORE 3

Hello Kitty Notebook SCORE 14

Be aware of your thoughts… SCORE 13

Frozen facts. SCORE 222

They Götze it. SCORE 92

Why Dwight has a diary. SCORE 138

No France? I might just send him one… SCORE 163

Police increase escalator speed to get rid of hooligans SCORE 111

Poor Matthew… SCORE 121

Plot Twist! SCORE 148

Homemade 900-shot fireworks machine gun SCORE 30

Christ the Redeemer with German colors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SCORE 13

excuse me, i wanna go back.. SCORE 15

Curiosity George SCORE 14

Essay Help Service SCORE -28

Too cruel… SCORE 177

Plot Twist! SCORE 146

Poor Matthew… SCORE 121

No France? I might just send him one… SCORE 162

Scumbag Target. SCORE 15

Success. SCORE 137

Homemade 900-shot fireworks machine gun SCORE 30

Good guy Bastian Schweinsteiger encouraging his beaten opponents. SCORE 158

loading truck like a boss SCORE 140

loading truck like a boss SCORE 139